Heya! Here's what people have asked so far! If you have a question for me, then go here to fill out a handy-dandy form that will take only a jiffy to finish and send on its way to my Hotmail Inbox! Till then, sate your curious little minds on these fun-filled facts and answers!
· Whatcha planning? I mean any new characters, etc?
Ugh. Inevitably. To tell the truth, I have a lot planned. A lotta new avatars, a lotta new ideas, a lotta strife and conflicts. **eyes sparkle** In fact, I have a lot of pieces of future chapters written. I could reveal a loooooot of spoilers right now... but I'm not gonna. (heh heh heh...)
· When do we get to see James and Tengu duke it out? Huh? Huh huh? Whenwhenwhenwhen?
**assumes very innocent look** Oh, I don't knoooooow! I hadn't even thought of doing thaaaaaaaat! Ho wvery unoriiiiiiiginal! ... seriously, though... I'm not going to say anything but this: James is going to start sharing some of Mew's characteristics pretty soon. He'll be "sensitive". He's not going to just jump into a fight. He'll need to be... provoked. **raises eyebrow**
· Who are the already named members of the 151 Poképersonalities?
Oi. Lesse... geez, I'll have to write it down later. **immediately begins dreading that chore**
· Why are there only 151 amulets, when there are 251 Pokémon in the world?
Well, that's easy enough to explain: I started this fic way back when Johto was just a made-up word, and Tracey was still hanging around the Orange Islands, fantasizing about Prof. Oak (no offense, Tracey fans, but he's really gay...), and having never met Ash and Company. There were only 151 of them back them, and so that's all there were in my fic. When I heard that Japan was adding 100 more... well, it was a sweatdrop moment. But I got Silver for Christmas, and am now getting familair with some of the cooler Johto Pokemon. ^_~ So to answer your question... have patience. ^_^;; I haven't beaten the Elite Four yet...
· When are they getting out of the convention?
CHAPTER TWELVE!! YES THEY ARE!! They're finally leaving! Thank the lord.
· How often do you update?
As you've probably figured out... not often. ^_^;; Whenever I have something to add to the page, pretty much... which is pretty rare. Look on the Essays/Rants page for more info on my updating habits.
· Where did you get the avatar names?
All over. I'm planning on an avatar page pretty soon, which I'll get to work on as soon as I've finished chapter 12. It'll tell ya everything you want to know about the avatars of Persona. ^_~ Till then, I'll just go over a few of the main ones.
· Claire: I just liked it. You know, it sounded like a country girl's name.
· Rokou: My Rokou's namesake is the brother of my favorite character from an anime/manga called Fushigi Yugi: Mysterious Play. (ooh, mysteeerious...) I know nothing at all about the original Rokou, except that his brother is mega hot. Once again, I just liked the name. (By the way, it's pronounced ROH-koh.)
· Faith: Once again, this was a name I picked before I started thinking up cute little inside-jokey names for my characters. Faith is just a sweet little trusting name that I (duh) liked. Fits her, no da?
· Tengu: I found his name while I was helping my mom in her classroom. She's a fourth grade teacher (well, she was back then, anyway), and she keeps a ton of picture books in her classroom for her students to read. Anywho, I had settled down to read a few of them, and one of them was a whimsical little piece I've loved since I was a kid, about an ancient Japanese legend. Pretty much, it's about how this badger gets ahold of these little demons' magical fan, which can make noses grown and shrink on command. Fun, eh? Anywho, the book identified the little ancient Japanese folklore demons as tengu, which are little evil trickster people. And so I said, "Wow! I have got to make up an evil guy and name him that!" And now look at his evil self. (Damn, that's evil!)
· Where did you get the plot?
Lesse. It all started a year and a half ago, in June or so of 1999. I've been part of the message board (it's more of a online community, really) of The Pokémon Fan Fiction Archives for two years now. It got me started on writing Pokéfics in general. ^_^
Anywho, one day, a starnge question popped into my head. I went on the message board and posted the following question (more or less): "If Ash were a Pokémon, what would he be? And don't automatically answer 'Pikachu'. Think about it. And while you're at it, what d'you think about the rest of the characters?"
Something like that.
It sparked an interest, but few people really had any ideas. Really, only two people contributed answers, and only one of them was in depth. This was of one of my good friends by the name of Marichu. (WOOO!!) She gave her choices for all of the main characters, but the one that really struck me as cool was Misty's: "Misty's a Vulpix. She's nice enough to look at, but you don't want to pick her up."
And I thought that was just so awesome. I told Marichu that I might just write a fic about that kinda thing: people representing the Pokémon they resembled. Nowadays, I haven't seen Marichu for like a year (insert sad face here), but she sure has changed my life, eh?
· Why does Faith have a Kadabra amulet?
Hmm. I dunno. It picked her, I guess. I dunno how the amulets pick their people; s'not my business. I'll ask her later. (... god... that was such a dorky answer... please ignore my utter stupidity.) ^_^;;
· What'll happen to Gary?
That's actually mentioned a little in chappie 12. He's gonna stick around, though... I never knew how much I liked him 'til I wrote that little beginning of a chapter about him. But now, I think he's A-OK! He's gonna be around, kicking butt and wooing his little girlfriend whom I haven't developed one teeny bit as of yet.
· Okay...Victory and Ash, anything there at all?
**eyes sparkle** Well, shucks! I dunno! I guess we'll just have to wait! ^_~
· Misty, Ash, and Brock, they ever gonna work together?
Ahem... **eyes sparkle** Well, shucks! I dunno! I guess we'll just have to wait!
· Why is Tengu such a jerk?
There is a good answer to that question, as a matter of fact... unfortunately, he's been a jerk for pretty much of forever, so I don't think anyone's going to bother looking to his past for an explanation. He is naturally a jerk, it's true, but he also has unfortunate motives, I'm sure.
· Why is Myles a spoiled brat?
Again... it's partly her personality, and it's partly her upbringing. I mean, she's had a sucky life. And, besides, she's not all bad...
· Will there ever be a chance that we find out what the hell is going on wit Jessie?
You betcha. .... **looks at watch** ... but it's not right now.... ....**whistles aimlessly** .... .... **looks at watch again** .... it's not now, either....
· How did you decide which character got which necklace?
Okay, I talked about Misty before up there, so I won't go over that again. Linking Jessie and Persian was unoriginal, and almost too obvious for me to use. But the two of 'em work so well together, I couldn't help myself. Once again, my PFFA friends helped me out with Brock: Marichu suggested spiky Seadra for him, but a guy on the message board under the name of Brock said "Not Seadra! At least give me Bulbasaur!" So I did... I mean, they're both kinda serious. (And squinty-eyed Bulbasaurs are so cuuuute!!) For Ash, a guy named Master Yang suggested Charmander. (You know, loyalty and all that crap.) But I wanted to give him a water type (for certain reasons), so I used the water equivalent of Charmander: Squirtle. Besides, the Squirtles in that one episode reminded me of Ashy-boy: easily amused, kinda hyper, bold, brash, particularly susceptible to Team Rocket sneaky schemes, and, in the end, all emotional and weepy. And why give James Mew? ... well, I like James.
· What do the 'amulets' stand for and what do they do?
Er... that's answered kinda in chapter six, or whatever chapter the **wiggles fingers** "Explanation" is. (... dorky chapter titles... will change them soon...) Course, I will go back and edit that chapter very soon, so there'll be a better explanation later.
· Could you please put more in about James? I absolutely adore him...
Me too, sister, me too. He will obviously be featured quite a bit, favoritism and all that. **immediately gets tackled by all the other characters** ACK!! ... seriously, though. I started out this fanfic by loving James, and disliking everybody else. But after eleven chapters of having to write about Ash and Misty... well, I started to like them too. ^_^;; So now don't worry, all you Ash-tachi fans: they're featured a big honkin' lot. But Jessie and (especially) James will always be my faves.
· Did anyone ever tell you you should put Alan Rickman in your fanfics?
^_^;; You wouldn't believe how many people ask me this, hon. Unfortunately, I called him up to see if he would do it, and he said he was too busy sending love emails to some girl named Kara to even make a cameo.
Well, that's all people have wanted to know up to now. If you have something to ask that ya don't see here, then please please please! Send it to me, courtesy of the spiffy little easy-to-fill-out-and-send form. ^_^ Thank ya!