All right. If you haven't read chapter 12 yet, then go do that before reading any more of this particular rant. It' not that spoilerness, but do it anyway. Okay? I'll wait here.
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**whistles idly to herself**
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. . . okay? You all set? Don't lie to me now…
Okay. So chapter 12 sure was great, wasn't it? And I'm sure you noticed all the great new characters, and I'm sure you loved them all.
… except for one. I know you hated one.
But please don't hate Nell. ^_^;
I realize I took a risk, putting her in there. I know, I know, I know. But I reeeeeally wanted the truly ghetto part of society represented in Persona.
Why? Cause that's my society.
Now, mind you, I don't have that profane a mouth. (.. er, most of the time...) I have good grammar. And though I do find myself lapsing into her personality every so often, Nell is not me inserting myself into my fic. (god, no!) She's just me trying to represent all the people I see, day in and day out. Cause they be some dope foo's.
Okay. Don't kill me yet. I'll have you know that I've toned her profanity down a lot. And I've got lots of ideas to mellow her out even more in the future. But until that day arrives, she's going to be threatening everybody's innocence with the dialect that just comes naturally to her.
Hopefully she won't bother y'all too much. Hopefully some of you will even like her. (^_^) But if she really really offends you, then don't hesitate to email me. I'm not looking to upset folks. But if you can stand her at all, then please just bite your lip and keep your dislike to yourself. She can be the least favorite avatar of all of you if she has to be, but I like her, and unless she is wholly unaccepted all around, I have little intention in pulling her.
… I hope I'm just working myself up here. I hope I'm preaching to an empty citadel. I hope I'm the only one who thinks that a character like Nell will only serve to offend.
Man, do I hope that.
Peace out, foo's.